
Kinesiology is the study of movement and exercise; therefore anyone who moves and/or exercises would benefit from seeing a kinesiologist. They can assess your movements to correct energy leaks, and reduce risk of injury such as single load strain and repetitive strain injuries. Perform ergonomic assessment as well as nutritional counseling/advice.

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Kinesiology is the study of movement and exercise; therefore anyone who moves and/or exercises would benefit from seeing a kinesiologist. They can assess your movements to correct energy leaks, and reduce risk of injury such as single load strain and repetitive strain injuries. Perform ergonomic assessment as well as nutritional counselling/advice.


Kinesiology Initial Assessment


60 minutes

Active Rehabilitation


30 minutes

KT Taping


10 minutes

Virtual Active Rehabilitation


60 minutes

Kin/Chiro Active Rehab


20 minutes - This appointment is to be scheduled in conjunction with a chiropractic appointment. Includes chiropractic treatment plus individualized exercise prescription program completed with kinseiologist. Can be scheduled before or after your chiropractic treatment. Please contact us to book this treatment at 647-614-1294 or email

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Frequently asked Questions

Check out our FAQ section for answers.

Are Kinesiologists licensed practitioners in Ontario?

Kinesiologists are a regulated health profession with a governing body regulating their services (College of Kinesiologists of Ontario)

Are kinesiologist and physiotherapists the same?

A kinesiologist differs from a physiotherapist in that kinesiologists focus on dysfunctions and movement patterns whereas physiotherapists assess patients to provide a diagnosis(es). Kins are able to provide nutritional counselling/coaching whereas physiotherapists are not, allowing for more holistic treatment plans. Assessments may be similar, but physiotherapists tend to focus on more passive care/manual therapies whereas kinesiologist focus on maximizing function/movement through specific exercise prescription. This difference is reflected in the typical appointment lengths, 20-30mins vs 30-60min.

Do I need a referral to see a kinesiologist?

No, you do not need a referral to see a kinesiologist. Kinesiologists often work alongside chiropractors and physiotherapists (who may focus on more acute injury phases), in addition to having their own clients.

Does OHIP cover kinesiology services?

Some OHIP covered facilities may have kinesiologists working with clients, where services are covered. This is most common following a surgical procedure such as a joint replacement or repair.

Is Kinesiology services covered under insurance?

Some insurance policies do cover kinesiology services as it's becoming more recognized as a regulated health care profession (Kins became regulated in 2013, not even 10 years yet!) the best option is to call your insurance provider and ask if that coverage is available.

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